How to feel damned good about yourself & enjoy a deeper connection with your partner
The aim of this guide
How to live healthily, harmoniously and happily in the empty nest.
Flourishing in midlife means defining a new standard of health and purpose - this guide inspires new perspectives with some super effective journaling exercises.
How to rekindle intimacy with your partner.
Deepening the connection with your partner now that the kids have grown and flown, begins with the relationship you have with yourself. This guide is your inspiration for reconnection.
How to use your voice to feel confident, vital, focused and empowered in midlife.
Learn some simple somatic voice exercises and feel the vitality and joy soar in your body! Easy, fun and effective, it reconnects you to your body’s inner wisdom and clears the emotional debris that produces anxiety and stress.
Welcome, I imagine that you’re here because…
You’d like to feel like yourself again!
If you sometimes wonder who you are and what your purpose is after spending the last couple of decades juggling a career with your family's needs, rest assured you're not alone. It’s normal to have feelings of sadness and emptiness, however, these emotions are obliterated by purpose. Let's explore more.
You want a more meaningful relationship and to connect on a deeper level with your partner. The shared responsibility of raising a family is complete but what’s new to discover? To be cherished and to cherish means cherishing yourself. What does making love in every interaction, sharing a new purpose and being free of emotional suffocation look like? Let’s find out.
If you're feeling less than beautiful due to changes in your body and mind, it can knock your confidence and self-esteem, negatively affecting your relationships too. Vitality, vivacity and vibrancy are the result of physical and mental health lifestyle choices, but where do you begin after putting others first for so long? Let’s identify how you can be self-caring consistently.
You feel overwhelmed about what's next. Your mind doesn't always help either. Guilt, resentment, regret, comparison and self-critique can all lead to staying stuck and it can feel pretty disempowering. Letting go of these thoughts and feelings is easier than you may think. Let’s explore something much deeper and resolute within you. Through somatic voice work, you get a sense of your powerful intuition - the basis of a confident and purposeful life.
Watch this short video where I introduce myself and give you and insight into what you can expect working with me.
How I Work With You To Fully Embrace Midlife
Let's start with you...
You are absolutely all that you ever need to be!
there is some work to do on getting rid of what doesn't belong, so you can refocus your energy and be open to new possibilities.
Coaching with Gorgeous Hearts supports you in three ways:
By asking strategic questions that help you identify what keeps you stuck therefore allowing you to be clearer about your next steps.
By holding you accountable for those next steps you've identified, and for being consistent with them.
By being your partner and encouraging you all the way, as well as teaching you some amazing techniques that help you to be present and focused so that this transformational experience is lived and expressed beyond our time together.
The goal is never to add complications to what you’re already dealing with, but instead, to make things much simpler and clearer.
This work encourages deep reflection which sometimes unearths resistance that can trigger reactions. However, exposing those reactions is exactly what helps the clearing. Reactions are stimulating which is addictive and exhausting. All those times we beat ourselves up mentally for not being perfect!! Wow, it drains energy like nothing else!
The process of observation brings more settlement to your body and the wise and intuitive innermost essence of you becomes the empowered expression that responds to life rather than reacting to it.
This is how relationships are enriched.
My 9-step coaching programme takes you from the so-called empty nest emptiness to the Magnificent Magnetic Midlife Miracle that you are - now that's a mighty Mmmm!
How do you find purpose in your relationships and enjoy love in this chapter of your life?
It's all about the body!
And this is where it gets super interesting...
As you've no doubt realised, achieving harmony in relationships means assisting the body to let go of old hurts.
When you focus on your body, you don't get stuck in heady chatter that seems to want nothing more than to sabotage your confidence by drawing energy from those old hurts.
Very gentle and delicate movements can release what does not belong. One way of supporting this is to move your voice around your body very gently and tenderly. You instantly feel the warm healing vibrations of your voice in your body, as well as the release of tension, discomfort and pain.
The result of this is that your mind feels clearer, more focused and free of the negative thoughts that have been holding you back. The vibrations that you sound through your voice raise the vibrational frequency of your body at a cellular level so you also feel more vitality.
I lead you through reconnecting breath and voice exercises using your whole body instrument so that you feel the vibrational flow of vitality and joy that is your authentic expression.
This gentle attunement forms a deeper intimacy with yourself which ripples out into your relationships.
It's truly beautiful to be reacquainted with the wisdom and harmony of your body, especially as we often override its communications. It helps to quieten the critical and crushing mind gremlins and instead, aligns the mind and body as one.
Love is true purpose, whatever we 'do' and if everyone were to prioritise it, we’d be a much more evolved race of beings.
We don't often consider the way we use our voices and the way we move, but if everything is energy, we would be wise to realise that the energy of the voice can harm or heal. Our movements, i.e. the way we live, cannot but have an impact on the voice and how it is received by another. Therefore it has EVERYTHING to do with relationships.
Relationships are the most important part of our lives - friends, family, romantic partner and work colleagues, alike. The way we express ourselves has a far reaching impact.
Practicing gentle voice exercises to reconnect, will feel very gorgeous in your body and they support confidence and an authentic and empowered expression. It also supports you to be more self-loving and be more consistent with positive wellness habits. It’s a holistic approach that supports a joyful midlife miracle life.
Click on the 'Get in Touch' button to book a no obligation - no sales pitch conversation to explore whether we would be a good fit to work together.
Your Authentic Voice is Like a Rose - Delicate and Powerful
Reconnect with the delicateness of your whole body instrument with somatic voice healing and feel the strength and delicateness become one!
The delicate petals and the vibrant and powerful sensorial expression of your voice, enriches, heals and empowers you.
Want to give it a go? My video series "Discovering your authentic Voice ." consists of 3 modules that help you to reduce stress, manage pain and and feel Confident, courageous and connected. It costs just €27 and you can download it here.
To face anxiety, insecurity or the unknown and walk into this next chapter of your life knowing that your inner strength can handle everything that's presented to you.
To be your authentic self in relationships whether they are romantic or work related. Be free from the clutches of the 3 C’s - conditions, critique and control.
To deepen your commitment to reconnect with yourself and enjoy the beautiful people in your life.