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It's not just what you express as a woman, it's how!
Midlife can feel like a major transition in life, but before you search out there for solutions to help you feel confident, I invite you to nurture a new relationship with your whole body and free your authentic voice from the stranglehold of self-critique and self-doubt. Reclaim your voice, step into powerful self-expression and  enrich your relationships.


There's no need to reinvent yourself to fit a picture of what a 45+ woman ‘should’ be or act like, in-fact this is exactly what causes the problems. Be courageous and embrace your authentic voice in all areas of life and you'll realise that there's nothing that can hold you back in your purpose, whether it's your career, business or relationships.  This is true empowered expression and I'm passionate about supporting women in midlife to discover it. 


Step into this amazing new chapter of your life and let go of regret, guilt, self-critique and judgement. That is what holds you back. Coaching with me is all about throwing away the rags and embracing the riches of midlife. 


Be the magnetic midlife miracle you are. I’m so excited for you to ‘mmm’ your present and future self - It begins here and I’m with you every step if the way!

How I  became a midlife coach...


I’m passionate about supporting women, like you, who have dedicated the last 20-odd years to raising, nurturing, arbitrating, counseling, serving and educating within your family, to step into this midlife chapter of life with purpose, love and joy.


I was 51 when my kids left home and my husband and I decided to change our lives radically by moving to Spain. 

The intense sadness, emptiness and echoing chasm of unanswered life questions led me into a drive to create a new life in more ways than one.


At the time I remember feeling anxious and being in a constant hot flush. I avoided intimacy and felt quite lonely. My way around these uncomfortable feelings was to push myself quite hard and almost isolate myself in my work.


Thankfully some things happened to knock me out of this aimless drive and into true purpose.


The Covid pandemic was one such event.

Being in close proximity to my husband and having nowhere to go, I began asking the questions that I'd been avoiding and started to observe and be more aware of what was going on. I connected to an intimacy within myself that eventually I could share with my partner. 


33 years of being together and it's only the last 6 years that has felt like a living flow of mutual purpose, sharing and evolving. 


I think that not striving for any perfection or ideal about what it means to be a couple in midlife takes the pressure off. The important thing is to love and feel cherished.  There are still moments when I ‘expect’ something from him that he is not ready to give and vice versa, however, both of us are continuously learning to ‘expect’ less and love more.


Sometimes relationships end and new ones begin, but the intimacy and love that is always a breath away, can be the marker of how you express yourself in any relationship and its reflection always shines right back at you tenfold.



Not a lot of people know this  ðŸ‘€ 🤣


My first holiday abroad was in Mallorca, I was 7. We went to a local market and my mum brought me a little wooden monkey with black fur. I loved it. It was my favourite toy and my mum said why don’t you call him Alberito -  20 years later I met my life partner, Alvarito ( v is pronounced b in Spanish). 'Coincidence?' haha I don't believe in coincidences. Watch the magic of life unfold!



About me.....💕


I’m a woman in my late 50’s, a wife and a mother of two gorgeous daughters. I’ve worn many hats such as language teacher, HR manager, Company Director, singer-songwriter, voice coach, naturopath and relationship coach, but would any of those roles really describe me? 


Is anything we do, or are any of the roles we take on, really us?


I believe that you and I are so much more, and it’s a tragedy that life becomes about what we do and how well we do it rather than feeling the wealth of beauty and wisdom that resides in each one of us.



Who is the REAL me when I'm living my life soulfully?



I love purpose, service and people! I seem to get more joyful as I age and I love gentleness and looking after myself.  I feel a huge difference between living life from a soulful or heart-led perspective because it feels effortless and there's so much joy in allowing life to come to me and attending to what comes with my whole light, rather than 'trying' continuously to prove something.


It's not about doing nothing, quite the contrary, however, if there is no drive, control or expectation for particular outcomes, there is a flow that feels purposeful without the anxiety of wanting a particular outcome. Anxiety and all emotions are stimulating and stimulation is very hooking. It leads to a life of drama that causes exhaustion. Surrender is often a word associated with giving up, but it's not that at all - true surrender is the humbleness to realise that I don't control the universe, yet the universe can provide such undreamable magic when I get myself out of the way. I may receive a phone call out of the blue that I wasn't expecting from someone who inspires me and there I have the next purposeful step - I didn't need to work it out or effortfully think and worry about anything - it came to me. The only way to prove this is to live it and observe.  



When I’m feeling less, doubting myself, feeling hurt or overwhelmed...


I’ll be driving myself effortfully towards some kind of non-existent perfection with the ‘hope’ that I’ll get a reward for all the s**t I’m putting up with.

I go to the fridge in search of a glucose spike to relieve the drudgery when I feel everything is ‘too much’, I sound like a whimpering victim just talking about how the washing machine isn’t working and I basically feel like crap.


If this were something that happened regularly, I'd end up very anxious and it would affect my sleep and have other consequences on my health, however, I have come to realise that a wealth of universal wisdom and intelligence is only a movement and a moment away. Thank goodness.


Being in full presence and focusing on the way my body moves takes me back to myself and out of the story. It’s not mastered to perfection but I have witnessed how beautifully my body responds to gentleness in movement and how it always helps me to let go of any tension or anxiety. I’ve also noticed how the outside tends to manifest a positive change when I come back to my authentic self.


My voice also moves - it can move in gentleness and express love but it can also bark, order, confront, manipulate and a whole range of human expressions depending on where I am at any moment. The beautiful thing about the voice is that we use it a lot during our day. This means that if we are practicing a more meditative movement with our voices, we will be more aware of how we are communicating and our reactions will begin to feel alien to us. That’s when we are more likely to respond from wisdom.



I'm delighted to have you here because I have some life-changing things to share with you... 



Health is a gift but living healthily is a choice. Love yourself and nurture your body and you will feel amazing. Don’t believe that things are all downhill from here - I have found the reverse to be true.


Harmony is the flow of the universe so don’t swim against the tide. Live the synchronicity of your natural cycles, rhythms and rituals and attend to all that life presents you with in the same flow. Get to know your body intimately and discern what is loving and what is not.


Joy blooms from within and whatever your vibrational essence is, you will magnetically pull towards you. That means that if love is your focus, you will draw more love magnetically towards you.​



I love how the voice can heal and I'm passionate about supporting people to discover their authentic voice.

Not only do I work as a coach I also enable others to learn voice techniques that help them to connect with their bodies. You can read more about this on the Voice Page on this website, but very simply put: 


Your voice is used so much in your day-to-day (unless you’re a Tibetan monk - and if you were you’re unlikely to be reading this) but what is the energy behind the voice? Our voices can whine, manipulate, say yes when our whole body says 'no' or vice versa OR, it can express truth and love. We are responsible for our voices.


Building a self-caring meditative ritual with your voice and instrument body stops you from being distracted, bullied, goaded or pushed into reaction and instead gives you a steady confidence that empowers you to make wiser life choices and to express yourself beautifully and authentically in relationships.​


Make your voice count and be Mmmm - a magnificent, magnetic midlife miracle!


Go show 'em what 50 is truly all about!


With mega love





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